Golden preparing to serve his country

Current senior John Golden plans to serve in the U.S military after graduation
How many times have you heard the slogan “Army Strong”? How many times do people let that phrase go in one ear and out the other? John Golden, Mount Carmel Class of ’16, is not one of those people. Although Golden is still a high school senior, he already has accepted the call and joined the United States Army.
Golden flew to Fort Benning, Georgia, last summer to complete his basic boot camp. Golden recalls that the officers at boot camp say that the experience is about learning what it takes to be an American soldier, although for Golden, it was just “the generic boot camp.”
A resident of Chicago’s south side Mount Greenwood neighborhood,Golden graduated from Saint Christina Elementary School in 2012. He has three brothers, Dan, Mike, and Patrick, who were also members of the US Army.
Golden’s basic training last summer included qualification with an M16 rifle, as well as repelling down towers, and other drills dealing with overcoming the fear of heights.
As a result of his experience, Golden has learned a lot “about discipline and how to work with a team. If one guy messed up, we all started over until everyone got it right.”
Golden is appreciative of how his training has given him the core values of discipline, as well as working hard. He also found that his sense of loyalty and respect for authority has grown.
Now back at Mount Carmel to finish up his senior year, Golden will continue with his army training next summer. Once Golden graduates, he will have a nine week training course for field artillery.