Eagle Scouts learn lessons, earn recognition

Mount Carmel’s Eagle Scouts include (left to right) Jake Polewacyk, Kenny Koval, DJ Demy and Matt McKay.
Being a Boy Scout involves a number of challenges, but being an Eagle Scout, the highest rank in the Scouts, is much, much harder. At MC we have four students who already have earned the rank: seniors Jake Polewacyk, Kenny Koval, DJ Demy, and Matt McKay. In addition, Mr. John Stimler, Mount Carmel’s principal, held the rank as a scout. Other MC students, including junior Corbin Webb and freshman Cristian Sanchez, are making progress toward joining this elite group.
The rank of Eagle Scout means that you have demonstrated leadership skills, have held the rank of Life Scout for six months, and attained at least 21 merit badges, including 13 that are required. Some of the merit badges are camping, first aid, cooking, and citizenship in the community, nation and world. Each comes with a long list of requirements you must complete in order to earn the badge.
The final step involves completing the Eagle Scout project. McKay, who began Cub Scouts in first grade, moved on to the Boy Scouts in fifth grade and has just earned the Eagle Scout rank this year. “After completing all the other requirements, the Eagle Project was one of the hardest things to do.”
For his project, McKay’s built five picnic benches for a park next to Saint Mary Star of the Sea Middle School in the Westlawn neighborhood. DJ Demy’s project involved constructing a walking path through two blocks of forest in the Dan Ryan Woods.
Earning the rank of Eagle Scout is something that should applauded, as these men have been working for this goal for years. The lessons that they have learned will carry with them throughout their lives.