Inventing new recipes is way to keep busy during quarantine


It was an afternoon like any other, sitting down for lunch with my family. From left to right seated at the table were me, my brother, my dad, my sister, and my mom.

My mom had cooked a family favorite:  scrambled chorizo and beans for tacos. On the table, if we wanted, there were avocados or cheese to add to the tacos.

However, while we were eating, I decided to add extra stuff to my taco, including cheese and avocado, which made for some new taste combinations that I never had tried before.

Now, we have cheese and avocados at the ready every time my mom cooks chorizo and beans.  It gives me a sense of pride that I’ve created a variation on a favorite meal, and I’m happy that my family can enjoy my creativity.

The current coronavirus quarantine has disrupted many ordinary activities, but it also has created an opportunity for us all to be creative, whether it’s in trying new foods or even inventing new recipes.

If any of you cook or bake (or have a mom, dad, or sibling who does), why not share a special recipe that students/families can make together.  You can submit (for possible publication) by emailing your recipe (and the story behind it) to Mr. John Haggerty ([email protected]).