Four years well spent: a senior reflects

I have had a wonderful four years as a student.

When I first heard about Mount Carmel, I was really interested, and scheduled a shadow day. From that shadow day, I learned that Mount Carmel is a great high school that I wanted to attend. For the rest of my eighth grade year, I worked hard to get scholarships to make sure I was able to attend. Being the only one that attended from my grammar school I wasn’t sure what to expect. But after the first two days I already had many friends that I could talk to and found out that many other students were the only one from their school as well.

Mount Carmel has taught me many things, and I believe in the motto “If you care to work hard and struggle, you will leave as a man.”

My fellow classmates and other students all felt connected, although and we were all unique. The teachers cared for each student and wanted to see each one excel.

I truly believe that Mount Carmel is different than the other high schools. Through events like Walkathon and pep rallies I feel like we grow closer together. We grow even closer with Kairos and Impact Weeks.

I enjoyed field trips to Chicago with friends, and had the opportunity to take Spring break trips to Europe through the school with classmates as well, leading to great bonding and many memories. I still keep on touch with graduates from previous years with whom I shared those trips,  and will be going to college with one of those friends.

Sadly, my time at Mount Carmel has come to an end,  and in a way we didn’t see coming. I would’ve liked to spend the last couple of months with my classmates, but I know it won’t be the last time I see them. Next year, I will be attending Marquette University in Milwaukee for Digital Media.