Meet new Social Studies teacher Mr. Roy

Who is Mr. Nathan Roy? He is a Social Studies teacher who specifically teaches U.S. History for freshmen and juniors at the Excel level. 

Some students do not like studying history and think it is boring, but Mr. Roy tries to engage his classes in a special way, showing history’s relevance in today’s lives. “It matters to us because it impacts our physical existence,” he says. 

Mr. Roy has been teaching for four years, but this is his first year at Mt. Carmel. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Wisconsin in Madison and his Masters from National Louis University in Chicago. He has studied anthropology and archeology. His love of social studies has steered him towards teaching. “I have a passion for it,” Mr. Roy says. 

Outside of school, he enjoys basketball and traveling, including going to places that he learned about in his high school history classes. Mr. Roy has two young daughters, a 3 year old and a 4 month old. His Catholic faith helped him to take the job at MC, and he says that his Catholic values come into play in his personal and professional life. 

He tries to teach students in the present day on why history in the past was so important to our society today. Every lesson that he teaches, he tries to tie a modern day connection to it.

Mr. Roy loves teaching and thinks it is his calling. He wants to eventually teach at a college or a university down the line. Mr. Roy realizes that the Caravan community will give him the opportunity to foster good positive relationships with students, faculty, and others involved with MC. 

Mr. Roy is a positive addition to Mount Carmel High School. His passion for teaching history and connection it to modern life is a benefit to the school.