Two seniors honored with prestigious Evans Scholarship
Seniors Jalen Hill and Jordan Richardson plan to use the Evans scholarship a a springboard to a successful future.
The Western Golf Association offers high school caddies across the country an opportunity to compete for the Chick Evans Scholarship. This year, two Mount Carmel seniors were awarded this honor: Jalen Hill, who plans to attend the University of Illinois, and Jordan Richardson, who hopes to attend The Ohio State University.
The Evans Scholarship is awarded to caddies on the basis of their work record, academic achievement in high school, character, and demonstrated financial need. There are 14 Division I colleges that honor the scholarship, and each recipient lives with other Evans Scholars in a separate house on campus.
For instance, a Big Ten school will have anywhere from 50 to 70 scholars living in a house. Each scholar must maintain solid grades every year to keep the scholarship.
Richardson and Hill have been caddying at different country clubs for the past several summers.
The Evans Scholarship offers a college experience that emphasizes brotherhood and academics. Richardson, who caddies at Sunset Ridge, highlighted how important it is to look out for each other as Evans Scholars. “That brotherhood is something I’m excited about in my collegiate career.”
Hill knew he wanted the scholarship from the first day he started as a caddie three summers ago. “The scholarship was no doubt a goal from the moment I started caddying at Beverly Country Club.” Hill, who particularly enjoys the family atmosphere and fraternity feel among the Evans Scholars, knew how important this scholarship would be to his future.
“It is a huge benefit. Hopefully, this will help me become successful in life.”
With the scholarship already in the bag, both seniors wait in excitement for their letters of acceptance from their respective schools.