Seniors to enjoy free day as underclassmen suffer national tests

Daniel “Duke” Allen

Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors face an important day of testing on Wednesday, October 16.

Wednesday, October 16 is National Testing day for all freshmen, sophomores and juniors across the country. MC freshmen will take the ACT Aspire test, which is aligned with the ACT test they will take as juniors. Current sophomores and juniors will take the PSAT/NMSQT test. According to Mrs. Shanta Wheeler, Department Facilitator for Counseling, both tests will require about four hours to complete.  Therefore, no regular classes will not meet.

While the underclassmen endure the rigors of standardized testing, seniors will have the day off, and an opportunity to visit colleges around the Chicago area.

The PSAT/NMSQT includes sections on reading (60 minutes), writing and language (35 minutes), and math (70 minutes).

The ACT aspire tests similar subject matter, but is divided into five secions:  English, Reading, Math, Science, and Writing.

For either test, students need to be prepared with at least two Number 2 pencils and an approved calculator, and should have something good to eat before the four hour test.

The PSAT also represents National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test scholarship program, through which top students can earn recognition and opportunities for college scholarships.

While those rewards won’t be known for some time, the immediate payoff for all students is that Wednesday’s dismissal will be at about 12:45 p.m.