Seniors struggle with loss of final weeks

Over fifty percent of the schools across the U.S. are on a two week break due to the COVID-19 virus. Most of the schools, including Mount Carmel, are implementing e-learning for the foreseeable future. That means that even though we are at home, we still have work to do.  After week two, the challenges of e-learning are becoming clear.

All four of the students that I interviewed for this report have experienced some confusion about the assignments and deadlines.

Seniors, especially, aren’t enjoying this experience. Since this is their last trimester, they regret that they might not be able to share these last days at school. While this will be a very memorable experience that students will remember forever, some like Cesar Sanchez are saddened that they can’t go to school and enjoy their last two months at Carmel.

“I’ve tried to keep up with my work, but e-learning is more of a pain than a benefit. This virus is definitely unfortunate for everyone involved, and I sure do hope the whole situation improves soon. It’s a shame for us as seniors, as well, given our final weeks together are being taken away.”

Another senior, Diego Torres, has had a similar experience, and echoed Sanchez’s desire that the current restrictions soon end.

“I’ve been sitting at home doing homework. I have to workout at home which is not too bad. Not seeing friends and family is the hardest part. I hope this ends by late April so we can go back to our class.”

Senior Basie Mollett agrees that “staying at home sucks,”  if for no other reason than “it throws off my routine.”

But Mollett noted that the deeper challenge is dealing with the emotions and uncertainties of the exerience.

“The fear of the virus has more to do with the not knowing about it rather than the effects it has on us.”

While no one is likely is enjoying this unplanned break in the normal experience of senior year, most – like including senior Diego Fox, are resigned to make the best of things.

“I don’t think there’s a lot that can really be done to change it because of the circumstances, so I am dealing with it as I must.”

While Fox acknowledges that learning is difficult, he finds comfort in knowing everyone is in the same situation.

I have been having a hard time staying focused and on topic.  Just yesterday, I didn’t understand how to do any of my stats homework.  But none of my friends knew either, so I just didn’t do it.  Hopefully, we’ll figure something out today.”