Vaping is still big problem among teens
Despite people knowing the negative effects of vaping, the number of teens vaping has not dropped.
Teens today are so vulnerable bad influences.
Vaping has been popular for years, especially among teenagers, who see vaping as a healthy alternative to smoking cigarettes or marijuana. But studies have shown that it has serious health hazards. For example, according to data from the 2020 National Youth Tobacco Survey, 19.6% of high school students and 4.7% of middle school students, 3.6 million kids altogether are current vape users.
Kids who have vaped have had serious and life-threatening injuries. According to Single Care, there have been 2,807 hospitalized cases of serious lung injury associated with vaping products, resulting in 68 deaths as of February 2020.
Almost everybody has known for years that vaping is not actually a healthy alternative, but people still vape to this day.
According to the World Health Organization, there were 41 million vape users worldwide as of 2018, and that number is expected to reach 55 million by the end of 2021.
Most people already know the effects of smoking/vaping, yet they still do it because it is so addicting.
The more one vapes, the more their brain and body get used to having nicotine, and the harder it is to go without it. When one goes without vaping, the nicotine level in the bloodstream drops, which may cause unpleasant physical symptoms and strong urges to replenish the nicotine supply in the blood.
But what actually makes nicotine so addicting? Consuming nicotine leads to the release of the chemical dopamine in the human brain. As with many drugs, dopamine prompts or trains the brain to repeat the same behavior over and over.
Although the government has known about the vaping problem for years, its attempts to stop people from vaping have mostly failed.
The government has tried to implement minimum age sales laws that restrict the sale of e-cigarettes to adolescents and ban flavored e-cigarettes. Some states have also implemented e-cigarette taxes.
But fake IDs are easy to access, and many people over the age of 21 who associate with teens vape.
Hence, there seems to be no immediate stop of vaping.