Mount Carmel’s diversity is one of its most appealing qualities. The melting pot of different cultures and races is a part of how the brotherhood at MC came to be and is a large reason why many alumni are proud to have been students there.
Celebrating this diversity is something that students do throughout the school year. When the month of February comes around, organizations such as T.H.E. Club (“Together Helping Each Other”) and the Multicultural Club are hard at work organizing celebrations of Black History Month.
There are a multitude of ways to go about recognizing African American history. For this year’s celebration, Mrs. Emma Norise and members of T.H.E. Club have done a lot so far around the school.
“Being the moderator of T.H.E. Club and a Black teacher myself, I knew we had to do something to acknowledge the courage and leadership of historical Black figures,” said Mrs. Norise, a chemistry teacher at MC. “The goal was to motivate students and the entire student body as a whole.”
These posters and banners are hung up all around the school and gained attention from students when they were first put up earlier this month.
“I wanted students to be able to look up during their lunch period or walk by a poster in the hall and just learn a little bit about Black history,” said Mrs. Norise. “It seemed like a good fit for T.H.E. Club.”
While Black History Month has been celebrated at MC for many years, things have changed now that T.H.E. Club has formed and gotten involved.
“I feel that African American History Month is a part of how T.H.E. Club wanted to celebrate many holidays,” said Mrs. Norise. “Acknowledging every ethnic group ties directly into the brotherhood here at Mount Carmel.”
Along with Mrs. Jennifer Davis and the Multicultural Club that she moderates, Mrs. Norise and T.H.E. Club has a goal of being inclusive to all students. While Mrs. Norise was hanging up banners and posters, Mrs. Davis had some creative ideas as to how to celebrate the month as well.
“First we included the life stories of Black figures into the morning announcements this month,” said Mrs. Davis, who also teaches theology. “We also purchased Black History Month wristbands that were then handed out to everyone in the school. This was the first time we had done this at MC.”

With the Multicultural Club losing many members this past year to graduation, Mrs. Davis was pleased to see that interest in celebrating this important month was still generated in the school.
“Right now is a time for everybody to learn about the rich history of the contributions of our African American ancestors,” said Mrs. Davis. “Mount Carmel has become a lot more aware about this month in recent years.”
While Mrs. Norise and Mrs. Davis have come up with creative ideas to celebrate Black History Month, it is up to the students to take part in the celebration as well.
“I’ve learned a lot more about my history this month,” said sophomore Anthony Michael Clemons. “I learned about the Civil Rights Movement and how we fought for equality. The fact that we have a Black History Month and that we celebrate it at MC gives me hope for the future.”
While wristbands, banners, and posters depicting Black History Month may be seen during this month at MC, Mrs. Davis wants her students and others at MC to know that the recognition of Black history doesn’t stop when this month is over.
“It’s a year-round thing,” said Mrs. Davis. “Black history is every day, and we are all a part of it.”