The people in Baltimore march for justice

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It seems as if the world is in shock after the recent riots in Baltimore. Many citizens rioted on the streets in anger over the death of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old man who died while in police custody. The rioters damaged many businesses and cars in the neighborhood. In response, the mayor of Baltimore imposed a ten o’clock curfew on the entire city.

People in Baltimore were angry by the number of past incidents in which police misused their authority.Protest marches went on for five days until the six police officers who were involved in Gray’s arrest were charged with second-degree murder and manslaughter. Following those charges, many protesters continued to marched for equality and to demand that police make better decisions.

I think it is hard to judge this situation because nobody truly knows the full story. It is not an easy job working as a policeman or making a quick judgment as to what to do in a confrontation, but police should try to make the best judgment, not the easiest.

Many people also marched in other cities, including Chicago, where protesters marched down Cottage Grove to Washington Park in sympathy for the people in Baltimore.  Thankfully, it was a peaceful march on the streets of Chicago.