Many students at MC have packed schedules full of sports, clubs, and family responsibilities besides their academic commitments. Having to do a lot of homework after a long school day then often poses conflicts. Students often struggle to find time for their schoolwork.
A study hall period during the school day would give students a much needed break to focus on their schoolwork and would help them stay on top of their assignments, reduce stress, and have more time to rest.
“It would be helpful in allowing students time to do things they may not be able to do during the school day,” says junior TJ Kolke.
Having a study hall would definitely make most students more productive, help those in extracurricular activities, and quite possibly improve grades for many students. It would potentially make students more productive during the school day as well. Many students do not have time to do homework after school because of practices and other activities.
“I usually do my homework when I have time late at night or I get up a little early in the morning,” says Kolke.
Having the opportunity to complete work during school hours would quite possibly decrease the amount of late work submitted to teachers, too.
“It would help students because it would give them a dedicated time for academics,” says MC principal Mr. Scott Tabernacki.
Instead of rushing through homework after a long day at school, students could use this time to focus and prepare for upcoming classes and tests. This would then allow school to feel less stressful and help students stay more organized.
Myself and others believe that students involved in sports or clubs would benefit greatly from a study hall.
Those who play sports or practice for the school play or Speech team or work with the Caravan Media Group get home very late a lot of the time and have little time to do their homework.
“Student-athletes and students involved in extracurriculars would have more time on their hands outside of school,” says Kolke.
With a study hall, athletes can go to practice stress free because they do not have any homework to do after a long day of school and practice. This can also lead to more rest and better performances on quizzes, tests, and possibly even games for their sport.
Mr. Tabernacki also thought that this time could be used for improving and growing the clubs and activities at Mount Carmel along with meeting one on one with your teachers.
“It could give students the opportunity to do something else, like plan for a club,” he says.
Without all of the pressure of late night homework, students will have more time to relax and sleep, making them less tired while at school. Study hall would definitely give busy students the chance to even out the amount of schoolwork with activities, making their schedules more manageable.
Having a study hall during the day would most likely improve student grades as well.
When students have the time to complete their homework assignments during the school day, they are less likely to fall behind because they feel that other things take priority after school.
Students occasionally forget about their schoolwork and that can affect their grade. Teachers could also use this time to help students who need extra help out of the designated class time.
Another faculty member, Mr. Bill Nolan was more cautious but agreed that structure is key.
“The idea is great, and I don’t want to knock it,” he says. “We have before and after [school] options [for students who need extra help], but the same kids you are talking about are not using the time to study.”
If students used the study hall properly, it would most likely lead to better academic performances for everyone. A study hall would definitely give students a chance to improve their grades and receive the help that they are in need of to perform in the classroom.
A study hall at MC would make a great difference for students. It would help them be more productive, help with schedules, and hopefully improve academic success. While some may worry that students would waste this time and opportunity, having clear rules and expectations could easily prevent that.
“Grades would go up as students have dedicated time to do their homework and study in school,” says Kolke. “It eliminates excuses for poor performance.”
Giving students the tools to succeed is very important, and a study hall would do just that. Shouldn’t every student have the chance to manage their time better and reduce stress? Adding a study hall is a simple solution that would benefit the entire school community.