Golfers set sights on Catholic League
With the hiring of a new coach, the Caravan Golf Team looks to get back to the top of the Chicago Catholic League conference this year.
Mr. Phil McGovern, a St. Ignatius high school graduate, was hired this year to teach English and take over the golf team. Coming from a Catholic League school himself, he knows what will have to be done in order to get to the top of the conference.
“He is a good coach. He is very well liked by the golfers and he is always helping us fix our swings and teaching us new grips to help us get better,” says senior John Finegan.
Unlike some other high school sports, golf isn’t played on the high school campus. The MC golfers drive forty-five minutes to Glenwoodie golf course, located in Glenwood, Illinois, where they practice from Monday through Thursdays. The practice plan varies from day to day, either playing nine holes, or working on your swing at the range. The team averages two to three meets a week, where six to eight of the best golfers are chosen to compete against the other schools best.
After coming off a regional victory last season, Seniors Tim Griffin and Elliot Gates, Sam Johnson, Ryan Ruff and Mike Goodman, along with Junior Luke Hayes, look to lead the charge for the Caravan. After starting the season off to an average start, the Caravan are looking to get into the hunt.”Its along process, but we went to get to the top,” says senior Tim Griffin.
Juniors Brendan Kelly, Kevin Breakey, Will Figel, Tj Pomponi, and Matt Stagowski round out the varsity golf team.