Dodgeball brings forth competitive spirit
To start off Trimester two, Mount Carmel spiced up Studium with the annual intramural dodgeball tournament, which began on November 18.
As like any other intramural competition at MC, dodgeball involves all 24 studiums and is divided into four conferences. Each studium plays five games against teams on the same floor, and will only face the winner of other floors in the final four bracket.
On any game day, six studiums play in the gym at once. The winner is decided by winning two games out of three. Each team plays nine students at a time, and there must be at least one student from each grade level on the floor at all times. Because the rules state that teams must use all players, substitution plays a key role their strategy.
Although teams are free to have their own techniques, all players must abide by the rules. Players that are hit in the body or limbs are out. Head or face shots do not count. Dodge balls that are caught by the opposing team result in an out.
A change to the dodgeball rules this year has been that players now start off with an equal number of dodge balls, instead of having to run to the center line to contest possession. “It makes the game more exciting so we can jump right into action,” says junior Jarrett Webster from G206.
Studium 206 is on a good win streak for the beginning of the season, with two wins and no losses. Senior Daniel Rodriguez, who is a key player, has a good plan for how his team will succeed.
“Get players with the weaker arms in front and guys with stronger arms in the back, because they have the range and strength to knock out more guys.”
Members of Studium 208, which currently has zero wins and one loss, believe they need a new strategy. Sophomore Chinaedu Obah isn’t sure what that strategy should be, but knows “Team effort is key if we want to win.”
Following the long Christmas break, the dodgeball tournament will continue through January, with playoffs to follow just before Trimester 2 exams.