Water polo looks to make splash in postseason
Water polo players (left to right) Quinn Kelly, Isaiah Williams, and Andrew Walsh are excited to be a part of a rising water polo program.
Water polo, a fast-paced, physical sport, often gets overlooked at Mount Carmel. Playing in the school’s basement pool, it’s late afternoon games often are played in obscurity. But this year, the team is looking to change that.
A little over half way through its season the Caravan already has won more games than all last year, creating a new sense of interest around the school, and new excitement for team members.
Junior Quinn Kelly loves the sport, especially since it is not as well known. Playing water polo has given him the opportunity to experience something new and different. “I always enjoy myself, no matter what the outcome may be.” Kelly is confident that the team will pull together down the stretch and keep improving. “We have been progressing as a team all year, giving us hope for the playoffs.”
Junior Jacob Williams, who also serves as one of the captains of the team, was recently named Illinois’ Impact Water Polo Player of the Year. With the team being young, Williams has had to step up. “The majority of our team is sophomores, and we don’t have any seniors. Mount Carmel also doesn’t have a regulation sized pool. With that being said, we did what no Carmel water polo team has done in 30 years, which is finish in the top three of a tournament.”
Head water polo coach Tina Grunauer shares this optimism, encouraging the team every step of the way. “Go out there and have fun!” is a motto that the team has been following, and it has paid great dividends. Grunauer is excited that “the team is 95% better than last year.”
A big part of their improvement is the leadership that has emerged. Both Williams and Kelly are often looked up to by the rest of the team. Grunauer has a good explanation for this, saying, “Quinn is a great role model out of the pool with how he approaches the sport, and Jacob is a great role model in the pool with how he performs.”
Sophomore Alfredo Franco also got a nod by Grunauer, representing his class by being a fierce competitor. “Alfredo plays football, and because of that he brings a competitive edge to the team that really pushed the boys.” This motivation can also be seen in how the team is assembled. About 90% of the team is recruited through word of mouth communication.
The CCL, short for Chicago Catholic League, is well known as the toughest water polo division in the sate. So, when the playoffs come around, the team is looking to do what it does best, go out and have fun.