Kasich will not take “the low road”

Republican presidential candidate John Kasich.

Wikimedia Commons – the Office of Ohio Governor John R. Kasich.

Republican presidential candidate John Kasich.

After winning his state of Ohio on Super Tuesday, many expect governor John Kasich can still give a scare to leading Republican candidate rival Donald Trump.  With Kasich’s experience and intelligence in politics, I believe he is the best remaining candidate for president.

My favorite statement that Kasich makes is “I will not take the low road to the highest office in the land.”  This quote reflects his desire to reach his dream position, but an unwillingness to compromise his ideals in pursuit of that dream.

I also appreciate that Kasich takes a stand against abortion, although he allows for “legitimate exceptions on rape, incest, and life of the mother (The Columbus Dispatch).” In his most recent interviews, Trump concurs with Kasich’s opinions, as this is a common Republican view.

Kasich’s take on immigration is another reason why I would vote for him.  Unlike Cruz and Trump, Kasich believes those who are hardworking, contribute to the American society, and have a clean criminal record should be allowed to stay in the United States.  The New York Times published a story on Kasich’s opinion last August, and he referred to illegal immigrants as “some of the hardest-working, God-fearing, family-oriented people you can ever meet.”  Kasich also stated in July that immigrants are being treated unfairly.  “I do not think we should be demonizing people who are law-abiding hard-working folks (The Washington Post).”

Finally, Kasich’s tax plan is another reason why Americans should cast their vote for him.  He wants to reduce taxes so small businesses can expand and reach their full potential.  The Ohio governor also wants “to have a fiscal plan that makes sense where we can Uberize the Federal government.”

Whatever the outcome may be, I believe Kasich would represent our country the best.