Homecoming Week brings back the fun
Students celebrate a goal in the Homecoming Week floor hockey game.
Homecoming Week is a week dedicated to fun, school spirit, dances, and all types of different activities throughout the week. During the week, the entire school has shortened classes, unique and fun dress code and Spirit Days, and different activities performed which add a unique and fun twist to the routine of school.
Homecoming Week and Homecoming itself was not held last year because of Covid restrictions, so Homecoming Week this year felt a little more special then usual.
At the end of three out of the five days of the week a sport was played. Each grade level would have people sign up for the grade level team that they are on, and they would all face off against each other. Eventually the best team would get to face a team of teachers.
The first theme day of the week was “Pajama Day,” and the afternoon activity was basketball. On Tuesday, the dress theme was “Blast from the past,” and the PM activity was handball.
On Wednesday, the dress code was “Beach Day”, and the activity of that day was “Taste of MC,” where at lunches different clubs and students are able to run different tables and sell different foods as a fundraiser. For example, one table was selling predominantly Mexican foods such as tamales, another table was selling desserts such as a “rainbow float,” and other tables were just selling candy.
On Thursday, the dress code was “Jersey Day,” and the activity of the day was hockey. And on the last day there was Mass, which required students to be in Mass dress code, and the end of the day held a pep rally in the Alumni Gym.
Students love Homecoming Week so much because students are able to express their school spirit in a fun way, able to have lots of fun by watching and playing the sports at the end of the day, and are ultimately able to just have a change of pace to the normal school year.
For example, senior Daniel Armstrong participated in the handball game and had a very fun experience. Armstrong had a lot of fun being “able to compete against different grade levels” and “loved having the opportunity to compete in a friendly yet fun environment.”
Some teachers that were very involved with the organization of Homecoming were happy about how Homecoming Week happened as a whole.
Mr. Nevrly, who is in charge of Student Activities, felt that the week went really well. He feels that “students seem to be really involved in all of our events and super enthusiastic.”
Homecoming Week this year feels a bit more special than others because of how little special activities the school was able to do last year compared to this year.