Why You Should Attend the College Fair
Photo Courtesy of Ryan Boersma
A Collegiate football game between the University of Tennessee and the University of Missouri
College is something that every Mt. Carmel student should think of. As a college preparatory school, the ultimate goal of Mt. Carmel High School is to prepare students to excel in college. Even if a Mt. Carmel student is planning on not going to college, they may be considering entering the trades or armed forces.
No matter what a Mt. Carmel Student’s plans for the future are, they should consider attending the College Fair. Although called the College Fair, the fair will also feature armed forces and trade union representatives. There will be something for every student with a unique plan for their future at the College Fair.
Unless a Mt. Carmel student is absolutely sure where they are going, such as in the case of athletes who have already committed, they should attend the College Fair. Over 80 representatives from various trade unions, armed forces, universities, and colleges will be in attendance. It is an invaluable experience to Mt. Carmel students, especially the seniors, who have less than a year until they start college.
The opportunity here may not be apparent to all Mt. Carmel students, but it is a great one. The chance to talk to representatives from different colleges and universities is essential to the college decision-making process. While visiting the colleges is the most fun part of the process, a student making his decision must first have a shortlist of colleges since it would be impossible to visit every college on a whim. This problem creates the true value of the College Fair.
While at the College Fair, Mt. Carmel students will be able to talk to representatives of different universities and colleges. They will be able to sell Mt. Carmel students on their school, and tell students what is unique about their school. All kinds of schools will be represented, from small local junior colleges to mid-size East coast private colleges to massive Midwestern public universities.
Most seniors have not yet decided where they want to spend the next four years of their life, but it is one of the most important decisions a student will make while in high school. Being properly informed to make that decision is essential to choosing a good path. According to Education Data, nearly a third of all college freshmen drop out before their sophomore year. College is a costly investment and it is very important to make the correct decision, so as not to waste thousands of dollars.
Even non-seniors should attend the College Fair. While the issue of deciding where to go to college is most pressing for seniors, underclassmen also should be preparing for their future. Juniors and sophomores should strongly consider attending the College Fair, and freshmen should think about it.
Overall the College Fair should be important to attend for Mt. Carmel students, regardless of what year they are. Every student from freshmen to seniors would greatly benefit from attending the Mt. Carmel College Fair. The college fair will be held at 6:00 P.M. in the Cacciatore Gym on, Monday, October 11th, Columbus Day.