Fr. Matt and the Carmelites
Fr. Matt (second from the left) on the day of his Ordination.
Several years ago, in the 2015-2015 school year, one of the Mount Carmel Faculty members was Carmelite brother Matt Gummess. Teaching theology and physics, the “Physics Friar” left a positive impact on the students he taught. Senior Josh Padilla, who had him his Freshman year, reflects back on his time in (then) Br. Matt’s class, saying that “he was a cool guy who liked to demonstrate what he was teaching and put his lessons into real world situations.” Br. Matt left at the end of the year in order to receive a higher education and pursue priesthood. And now, after several years, he has finally been ordained as a Carmelite father.
Fr. Matt visited Carmel on Thursday January 25, and oversaw the three lunches. Over the course of the lunches seniors approached him to excitedly talk with him. Fr. Matt also said the prayer at the end of the lunches, and afterwards the news was told to the students. Not only did he got ordained, which received lots of cheers from the seniors, there is a Carmelite tradition of celebrating an ordination with a day of Jubilee, which will be on Monday February 26. After hearing news of a day off, everyone in the lunch room cheered.
Fr. Matt got ordained here in Chicago this year on January 20th at St. Thomas the Apostle parish. Fr. Matt will continue his education out West. He has left already to serve at the St. Raphael Carmelite parish in Los Angeles. He wishes to further his education by obtaining a doctorate in areas regarding the studies of science and religion, but has not gotten into any schools yet.