April 5, 2019


Caravan staff

Margaret Holt of the Chicago Tribune gave the Caravan staff a tour of their new offices.

The mccaravan.org team took the Metra downtown yesterday to visit the Chicago Tribune, now located in the Prudential Building. The visit included an opportunity to sit in on a morning news meeting of Tribune editors, and to see how stories are selected for the upcoming news cycles. The team was hosted by Ms. Margaret Holt, Tribune Standards and Practices Editor, who led a tour of the new facilities, and enjoyed a Q & A session with Tribune Publisher Bruce Dold after the meeting.

Completing the experience, the group walked north on Michigan Avenue for lunch at the Billy Goat Tavern, a venerable gathering spot for Chicago journalists.  Topping off the experience, long-time Billy Goat proprietor Sam Sianis chatted with the MC team, offering this bit of wisdom:  “School first; then the dancing!”