Freshman resolutions show maturity, idealism

Freshman Phil Glynn is one of many who have made thoughtful resolutions for 2021.
As the New Year begins, many people participated in the tradition of making resolutions for the months to come, including some members of the freshman class at Mount Carmel. Here are some of their resolutions for 2021.
I found Jose Maya’s resolution to be inspiring, as it conveys empathy and generosity:
“My new year’s resolution for the year 2021 is to be more helpful to my parents. In the year 2020, it has been difficult for all. So I want to be able to help them with whatever they need; just to lift that stress they have, off of their shoulders.”
Bryson Smith’s resolution, “to get closer to God and have a good spiritual bond with him,” suggests a mature focus on the deeper meaning of life.
Phil Glynn’s resolution also shows a lot of maturity and awareness of the needs of our world.
“My new year resolution is to help the environment as much as I can. I think this year specifically has taught us all of how precious our earth is and that we must do better to maintain it. I want to start off simple by doing the easy recycling as much as I can. Planting flowers and also maintaining them. If I can keep that up for a whole year I believe that I would have exceeded what I had wanted to accomplish.”
Many freshmen hope to improve their school work.
Parker Startz and Americo Castaneda both hope “to get A’s,” while Eduardo Perez resolves to “do better in class, try new sports, volunteer, and get closer with his family.
Joshua Hinojoza states his biggest hope for this year is “to move up to some Excel or Honors classes.”
Other young men are looking forward to becoming better athletes, including Justin White, who hopes he can “become stronger and faster,” and Benjamin Garcia, who aspires “to get in shape for triathlons.”
Reese McLaren would like to “start on the freshman team,” while Damien Guijosa wants to “get better at football.”
Richard Stringfellow would like to” become more outgoing and make new friends,” while Efrain Farias is focused on developing greater responsibility and self-reliance as he strives “to work hard everyday, to put 110% into my school work and into the soccer season (when it comes), and to save $10-$20 once a week.”
These quotes reflect the enthusiasm and idealism of the freshman class. While they have just begun their journey through high school and have a long way to go, if they keep a good mindset and care to struggle and work at it, like generations before them, they will leave as men of Carmel.

Artem Massey is beginning his senior year and looking forward to attending college.
Massey was born in Paris, France, and grew up in Moscow, Russia....