Br. Ryan brings experience; appreciates brotherhood at MC

Brother Ryan, a new member of the Theology Department, prepares for class on October 2 in Room 111. sitting in his classroom.

As one Carmelite walks out, another steps in. Brother Ryan is the newest member of an already rich Carmelite tradition at MC.

Brother Ryan-Joseph Resurreccion is the new freshmen theology teacher at Mount Carmel, but had previous teaching experience at LaSalle High School in Pasadena, and Cathedral High School in Los Angeles, before joining the Carmelites.

Having visited the Mount Carmel in the past, he was reminded of the brotherhood and sense of spiritual and catholic identity he had felt in his past experiences.

Brother Ryan is 35 years old and was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. He attended Cathedral High School in Los Angeles. After high school, he attended St. Mary’s College in Moraga, California. After college, he began teaching high school and during that time received his religious education certification from the archdiocese.

When he saw that there was an opportunity to serve his internship at the school, he couldn’t resist. Brother Ryan knows that MC has a rich tradition with Carmelites and believes that it is important that there is always a Carmelite presence in the school.

Outside the classroom, he is an avid L.A sports fan. His favorite teams are the Dodgers and Lakers, but his favorite sports to watch are soccer and volleyball. Outside of sports, he loves sketching, reading, going for walks and playing the pipe organ.

As he moves further into the school year, Brother Ryan is enjoying the comradery among students and the “brotherhood that is still present during COVID-19.”

Brother Ryan’s door is “always open to any student” and is “looking forward” to where the the MC experience takes him.