Students like longer lunch; regret menu changes
COVID-19 has caused many negative changes to the school, but lunch is not one of them. After applying and getting approved to participate in the United States Department of Agriculture(USDA) extension to the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), the school started to give out free lunches on September 21. The new schedule also increased the duration of lunch from 25 minutes to 45 minutes—a whole period.
In addition, this year, students are allowed to use their phones during lunch, which makes the lunch period fly by.
Students like senior Odera Edeh, enjoy the new lunch schedule because it gives students more time to do schoolwork, talk with friends, and “more time to eat and relax.”
Only allowing three students at a table and enforcing face covering when not eating, school lunches effectively keep students safe, but at a cost.
“Although it’s harder to socialize, students are maintaining social distance and wearing masks all the time” says junior Ryan Finn.
While many students are satisfied by the way lunch is organized, the free food itself has some critics, especially with fewer choices and smaller portions of food.
Senior Dylan Guijosa remembers last year’s lunches fondly.
“I want the old lunch back; I didn’t mind paying for food and lunch this year has less variety.”

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